Sunday, January 25, 2009

Celebrating Tet and Tori's Final Adoption in the US

Today our family celebrated Tet (Vietnamese New Year) and Tori's finalized adoption in the US by going to Friendly's for ice cream. Tori was in her glory as she got her own ice cream to eat by herself. She truly enjoyed it. We also hung lanterns we brought home from Vietnam on our lights in the kitchen. Tomorrow the kids will get red envelopes with a little bit of money...a Vietnamese New Years Day tradition. (Nick and Ashley are liking that we celebrate Tet as a new holiday!)

Tori in her ao dai from Vietnam

Tori with the lanterns we brought home to celebrate Tet.

Mike and I dressed for his hospital fundraiser ball.


Mom2J&I said...

Great job! (I wish I had bought some of those lamps when in VN. :(

She is just beautiful!

Fliss and Mike Adventures said...

How truly precious she is...