We are so excited! Today was the first day we got to see our store name in our new store. It's only a temporary sign while we complete the inside of the store and our actual store sign is installed. Tomorrow I will drive to AmericasMart to buy merchandise for the store.
Over the past month, we have decided to open a Fashion Accessories and Gift Boutique. We are opening our store in the new Traemoor ShoppingVillage which will also house the new Harris Teeter. We are very excited start this journey and look forward to opening our doors in November 2012! Yesterday, we had our first press news in the Fayetteville Observer.
Business Buzz: Harris Teeter on Rockfish sets opening date
Matt Leclercq 06:00 PM - 09/08/2012
Harris Teeter confirmed a Sept. 19 opening for its Rockfish Road store near Jack Britt High School. Dennis Brewer will be store manager. He used to run the Raeford Road
store before transferring to open the Southern Pines Harris Teeter about
a year ago.
The new 53,000-square-foot Hope Mills store will be open 24 hours a day with a pharmacy and a Starbucks.
Other tenants in the Traemoor Village Shopping Center include The
Mellow Mango frozen yogurt store and a High Cotton consignment shop,
which we previously reported. We learned last week of more leases signed
or in negotiations, according to developer Fox Commercial Properties of
Greenville, S.C. Easy Wash Dry Cleaners is signed, along with a Viva
the Bean coffee shop that has most of its leasing paperwork complete.
Negotiations are under way for a Hallmark.
Other tenants in various stages of lease agreements are Just a Little
Panache, which would be a gift shop, and Naturally Unleashed, a pet
nutrition center.
About six tenant spaces are still available, along with two out parcels just under an acre each. The Sept. 19 ribbon-cutting is scheduled for 8 a.m.
Got a tip for Biz Buzz? Reach us at business@fayobserver.com or 486-3551. "That week is like thousands of people shopping for makeup," Dickerson said. - Matt Leclercq