Saturday, May 26, 2012

Playing in the Rain

Ashley took these pictures during one of her visits home from college.  Tori wanted to jump in the puddles and needed her rain boots, of course!

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Easter Basket Hunt

Nick and Ashley came home for Easter and Tori woke them up for the famous at the top of the stairs annual photo.  Then Tori came down and searched to find her Easter basket filled with goodies.  She couldn't wait to eat a Peep!  Nick decided to nap after being up early and Tori played the Disney Sing It on Wii.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Coloring Easter Eggs


Tori and Mike decided to have a camp out or should I say camp in.  They set up a tent in our family room and toasted marshmallows. 


Nick spent part of his first spring break in Florida with Ben and the Sinski family.  During his trip he had the opportunity to skydive.